The Induction Training of the new EU-FORAproject, funded by EFSA, started on the 5 of September and willrun for 3 weeks in EFSA premises in Parma (Italy). Fifteen students (fellows)were selected to participate to the training. The induction training iscoordinated by SAFOSO and implemented by a consortium including tutors fromvarious European institutions. The focus of the training is on the EUregulatory and international framework regarding food safety and on theimplementation of food safety risk assessment including data collectionmethodology and the statistical principles needed. The didactic is based on theexperiential learning (“learning-by-doing”) concept and the learner encouraged to actively engage throughout the program by asking questions,investigating, problem solving, decision making and taking responsibility.
The European Food Risk Assessment (EU-FORA) Fellowship Programme is a key initiative for ensuring preparedness for future risk analysis needs. The programme aims to increase the pool of food safety risk assessment experts available in Europe and stimulate the involvement of Member States in risk assessment work, all with the ultimate objective of building a common EU culture for risk assessment.
More information on EU-FORA can be found here:
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