FMD capacity building in Mauritania



Project status
Capacity building

SAFOSO is collaborating with EuFMD on introducing the Progressive Control Pathway (PCP) for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) control in Mauritania. The first two workshops were organized in 2015, two further workshops in 2016, and the work is expected to continue in 2017. The work is implemented according to the programme of Component 2.3 of the EuFMD workplan aimed at providing technical support to REMESA actions (Mediterranean Animal Health Network - REMESA).

FMD is endemic in Mauritania and although the disease is not very visible in the livestock population, it has a major, though not yet quantified, socio-economic impact on cattle and small ruminant production through consequences such as reduced milk production and weight gain, reduced fertility, increased mortality among young animals and lower market prices. The PCP approach has been developed by an FAO team to assist and facilitate countries to progressively reduce the impact of FMD.

During the first workshops, the main focus was placed on the development of a value chain analysis for cattle and small ruminants in Mauritania to better understand the movements of livestock and livestock products. Also, pathways for introduction of infection into the country and into herds were developed. In 2016, the main focus was placed on the socio-economic impact assessment. Together with experts from SAFOSO and EuFMD, representatives from the competent authorities developed and subsequently delivered questionnaires to various actors of the dairy value chain, including livestock keepers, owners of milk collection centers and milk processing units.

The results of the data analysis contributed significantly to increasing awareness of the impact of FMD in Mauritania and therefore to justifying the necessity of developing a comprehensive, risk-based FMD control strategy. SAFOSO and EuFMD will continue their collaboration with the Mauritanian competent authority in 2017 to develop such a strategic plan.

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