Analysis and advice on poultry sampling for Salmonella spp in low throughput slaughterhouses in the UK


Food Standards Agency, BAE Systems


Literature review, risk assessment

Project status

Project background

Poultry meat is a possible carrier of Salmonella spp to consumers and therefore legal requirements demand that surveillance programs for Salmonella spp in poultry slaughterhouses are put in place to protect public health. However, low throughout slaughterhouses are often exempt from the national sampling strategy for Salmonella spp, because the risk associated with these small slaughterhouses is perceived as low. The Food Standards Agency of (FSA) the UK wanted to review this current policy practice.

Our work

SAFOSO joined BAE Systems in a research project for the FSA to analyse if there is a need to develop and implement a risk-based surveillance framework for Salmonella spp in low throughout poultry slaughterhouses. SAFOSO conducted a critical literature review and will participate in the review of a risk assessment model of Salmonella spp.

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